
… with Mrs. McVerry

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Tutoring with a Teacher

Do you or your student need extra time with a teacher to master the trickier concepts? As an experienced teacher, I know the key concepts to target and ways to teach them differently so you will understand and gain confidence in the material. Many tutors can help with homework problems, but I will be prepared with lessons to reteach and reinforce concepts from class.


I attended UCLA where I earned a BS in Mathematics and Master’s in Education. Throughout my teaching career in Los Angeles and Orange County, I have taught Algebra 1 through AP Calculus. Teaching experience in these courses gives me insight to common misconceptions and different ways to introduce material for various kinds of learners.

Learn more

I offer a range of tutoring options to meet the individual needs of students.

  • One-on-one tutoring
  • Group tutoring
  • AP Calculus AB test prep
  • Test/Final Review Sessions (group rates available)

Would you like to learn more about tutoring with Mrs. McVerry? Fill out the information form below.